Deep Space Nine Personnel
Name: Benjamin Lafayette Sisko Rank: Captain (Commanding Officer, Deep Space Nine/USS Defiant Year of Birth: 2332 POB: New Orleans , Earth Education: Starfleet Academy 2350 - 2354
Name: Kira Nerys Rank: Colonel Bajoran Liaison Officer and First Officer, Deep Space Nine Year of Birth: 2343 POB: Dahkur Province, Bajor Security Clearance: Grade H-1, Bajoran Intelligence Net Database Priority Code: Alpha-1, Bajoran Central Archives
Name: Jadzia Dax Rank: Lieutenant Commander Current Assignment: Science Officer, Deep Space Nine, Helm Officer USS Defiant. Education: Starfleet Academy 2359 - 2363
Name: Worf Rank: Commander Current Assignment: Strategic Operations Officer, Deep Space Nine, First Officer USS Defiant.
Name: Julian Subatoi Bashir Rank: Lieutenant Current Assignment: Chief Medical Officer, Deep Space Nine Year of Birth: 2341
Name: Miles O'Brien Rank: Chief Petty Officer, Senior Chief Specialist Current Assignment: Chief of Operations, Deep Space Nine Year of Birth: September 2328 Security Clearance: Level 1
Name: Odo'ital Position: Security Chief, Bajoran Militia, Deep Space Nine Species: Founder Changeling Date Discovered: Discovered ca. 2337 in Denorious Belt, Bajoran system POB: Founders Homeworld, Dominion, Gamma Quadrant Education: Bajoran Institute for Science, as specimen 2356 - 2363
Name: Nog Rank: Ensign Current Assignment: Deep Space Nine
Name: Rom Occupation: DS9 Maintenance/Repair Diagnostician, Junior Grade Species: Ferengi Male